Sunday, June 19, 2011

Gathering the Material- 9 days out

You have to come prepared and have things sorted out in order to be productive in 3 days. Here is my start.
  1. Sent a message to my most consistent contacts and connections in my Flickr community for assistance and permission to use their photos and our experiences together.
  2. Received messages back with suggestions from their side of the connection as to what photos might be what brought us together and keep us connected.
  3. Downloading and saving a few from each contact and re-named the file so that I can retrieve them easily without getting lost in viewing while at the workshop. Each photo file starts with the contacts user ID and then a short adjective that describes the photo. I will have more than I will be able to use - but with thoughts in mind the raw material necessary as I learn new presentation skills to make an effective digital story.
9 days and counting.

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