Thursday, October 27, 2011

iPads - We are still trying to figure out how to use these in our current systems. When viewing something like this and seeing so many possibilities, does it tell us we need to change the system?

Technology can engage learners - we know that. Educators can use technology to change instructional delivery - we know that. Now we need to determine how we leverage and use what is available to transform.

I like the thought path this video puts me on. What do you think?


  1. I don't think they are emphasizing some of the important features - the mobility, the ability to go out and collect information via photos, recording and then being able to manipulate that information. I would hate to see iPads used as teaching machines. Teachers are better at that.

  2. I am with you Susan. The hard work lately is keeping educators focused on what is potential and not the bells and whistles. I am an iPad supporter, and love what it has to offer, but struggle with the enthusiasm being replaced by good common sense , vision and introduction. We had the newton and eMate as predecessors that weren't quite ready, but were the start of the vision. I would hate to see the great potential of the iPad tainted and ruined for students and teachers because of some getting ahead of themselves and souring students or systems from using them towards better teaching and learning. We don't have the next Steve Jobs in site yet to give us the next vision.we have to make surewe use this chance to the max.
