In my position as a Director of the Institute @ CESA #1, I am often in the place of designing, facilitating, or directing professional development for educators in instructional technology and public school transformation.
However, there are times when I want to be the learner and soak it all in. I have my PLN's which provide an abundance of self directed learning and growth. I have found though it may be nice to be part of a more traditional experience in order to move it forward.
I am registered for a 3-day workshop at the Center for Digital Storytelling in Chicago.
The prep work was sent out and along with readings- well - a little more than I could figure out at the end of a school year and the start of a new fiscal year! The focus is on personal stories. The examples are moving and deep. The challenge is to make it through a workshop, produce a 3min or less story and have it mean something to you and others. WOW! In reading the cookbook - it is documemted that one can get into a War and Peace novel experience in doing this and that won't work. Also the exercises in reflecting can send you down a path in which there should be licensed therapists in the room. Could certainly go that route - but in public? Me? That is not who I am.
So after much consideration and practical application of which I like, I have decided that my story is going to be my wonderous adventure of online connectedness through my Flickr community. I sent a message to those who have been most important to me and whom I have been following and engaging with over the last 31 months. A message was composed to ask for assistance and permission to include them and their photos in my story.
Within a few hours I have had many responses! the richness and depth of help is energizing and at the same time scary - can I make the story reflect the feelings and the importance? Adding to this blog on the experience was suggested by @colemama. What a great thought! If she hadn't asked - I would have missed the opportunity to add more value to this experience. Thank you! One more layer to make this something I will always remember.
I am ready to fail forward! Thank you for walking along with me.
Love it! I'll be following along and glad you are willing to share. Keep in mind that since the experience is meant to be personal, there's no need for fear - where ever you go with it will have meaning and purpose. Allowing us to have glimpses into the process and product are the rewards for the rest of us! Enjoy.